Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9th -- Hmmmm

Feeling rather uninspired today so this is all I have for the day...

First, a few shots of my only willing human subject around today....the littlest man in all his cheesy cuteness

And this shot of the girlie and her "light buddy" did not turn out the way I wanted it to. Hmmmm...who knew that five year olds cannot sit still? And it past her bedtime so I had to give up. I may try again another day but this will have to do for today, Day Nine.


  1. What a cheeky smile in that glowing blue photo! I like it! Reminds me of campfire photos - but in blue!

  2. I love the one of Mr. Cutie-face looking off to the side. gosh you have cute kids!!!

  3. So cute! Now when is there going to be a self portrait in your 365 challenge? :)
