Thursday, January 22, 2009


Yes, faithful followers (that's you Sam!!), I have been MIA lately. I was at a birth that kept me away for all of Day 20 and most of Day 21...and then I needed a little sleep (imagine that...) so I am just catching up.

January 20,

Waiting for Baby...

He Arrived!!

All wrinkled and peeling, this baby was more than ready to meet the world! Look at these little "man" hands :o)

I hope that there will be more to come of this little one and his family. Stay tuned!

Day 22nd. Infant Massage class

Baby K

and Baby R
And Baby C.... all blissed out post massage
That's the life.


  1. Glad the baby is here safe and sound. That photo of his feet is extraordinary! I love all the creases and wrinkles. It will be a great reminder for his mama of how tucked up in the womb he was...

  2. Love the wrinkly feet and hands shots... how cute!!!

  3. I love the black & white shots of the birth...I saw mine in color and transferred them to b&w too...I think it somehow freezes the moment in a more intimate way...nice shots!
