Monday, July 20, 2009

Playing with shutter speeds

Last Tuesday's class was all about shutter speeds so here are a few of my faves for this weeks assignment...

In these pics, the trick is to a fast enough shutter speed to get the subject in focus (while panning as they move) but a slow enough one to allow some blurring in the background and extremeties (and/or wheels) to show some movement.

Clearly, not my forte. Oh well...I'll keep trying.

This one is all about a fast enough shutter speed to "freeze water".

Kinda cool. (I am glad that I had a little helper).

I am looking forward to more fun experiments to get this figured out :)


  1. I like the water one.... Nice Comp. on that one. :)

  2. I'm guessing your helper didn't mind helping one little bit. I like the water one too!

  3. is asher riding a two wheeler without training wheels??
