Monday, October 26, 2009

Sweet Little J

Who says newborns sleep all the time? Clearly, this 19 day old didn't get that memo. She was awake the whole time I was there! It made for a challlenging shoot but I did still get a few cute shots. Here's a few faves...

Sweet little feet

Look at those eyes!

Trying out a funky hat I knit

Look at her lifting her head

What a sweetie!

Although no peaceful "sleeping like an angel" shots were taken, a fun time was had anyway. This little girl was very cooperative, despite her lack of nap, and I do hope her parents enjoy the pics.

Welcome little girl!


  1. That's my grand daughter, she's like her mom and dad, two of the greatest people in the world..Dad / Roger

  2. Wow,I don't mean to be biased but Juliet is the bonniest baby in the whole world. We love her from all the way across the pond. Also love her Mum and Dad too!!!

    A very proud 3rd cousin (but would rather be an Aunty designate) Lilian
