On the 6th of June, we had a family BBQ to kick off the summer (although it didn't really FEEL like summer...bbrrr!) and to celebrate the visit of my SIL from Alberta. She and her husband come out to Manitoba to visit us so rarely that a get-together was a-given.
Here they are...buddled up to stay warm.

Here is a shot of our host, my BIL

And yet another brother-in-law (my hubby has 4 brothers!!) and his girlfriend. This was the first time she has joined us for a big gathering and she seemed to just fit right in.

Trampoline fun

The little man...dirty dirty dirty (as always)

Here is the youngest one in the group. SO cute!!
With the girlie...the baby hog. She asked all daylong to hold the baby! I guess she comes by her baby obsession honestly considering what I do for a living. LOL

Here is my niece with her boyfriend
Aren't they cute?!?
And a shot of the gang setting up the fireworks for later (no...that is not a real shot gun in my eight year olds hand! It's an airsoft rifle and the boys spent the better part of the day shooting pop cans. Sigh...what's a mother to do?)

And THIS is my favorite shot of the day! My hubby doing his best imitation of the teenager. Uncanny resemblance!!

Food, family, fun and fireworks! What better way to spend a cold dready Saturday? Thanks everyone for a great day!
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