I was so blessed to work with this lovely couple. They were so beautifully connected to each other as she laboured, and it was such an honour to have been invited to be a part of this miraculous event.

I love this picture! Not because it is "technically perfect" (or even close) but to be able to capture a sense of that moment of birth...a sense of that feeling...that "OMG I did it!!!" feeling that accompanies that instant when you hold your baby for the first time...sigh... it is such a wonderful thing.

And here is the newest addition to this lovely family...
Moments after birth

About an hour old (maybe two)

Mother and daughter

What a lovely ending to a fantastic day! Thanks for waiting until after the birthday cake was served to make your imminent arrival known little one! I am so glad that I was able to greet you as you entered the world.
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