Monday, June 15, 2009

Fun at the Fair -- Friday

The Friday night street party of our community's summer fair is a much anticipated evening for our family. We spent the night on Main Street (with 7500+ other people...GASP!!) and enjoyed great entertainment, good food and lots of visiting with people as we wandered.

We also gave the kids a "taste" of the rides so hubby took the big kids and I stayed with the littles on the smaller rides.

Here is the little man giving the thumbs up while riding his "chariot".

And the girlie on the swings

Here is another taken as we waited for the fireworks to start (take a picture of me with my balloon says the girlie LOL)

The fireworks display was awesome, as expected, and the weather cooperated beautifully. Finally, it seems summer has arrived!!

Bring it on!!

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