Monday, June 15, 2009

Fun at the Fair -- Saturday

Saturday at the fair gave the girlie another chance to do her tap dance routine on stage. She. Was. Pumped!!

Here is the troupe...

After her dance performance, we headed straight to the rides. This girl is a daredevil!
Here she is on the Sea Ray (you know, that big pirate ship that sways back and forth until it is almost upside down)

Even with her hands in the air like the "big kids".

Then she went on The Monster with Daddy. This is a ride that scares (or nauseates) many adults let alone 5 year olds! She loved i!

The final ride of the day was on the Dragon Rollarcoaster. Not the high octane ride that she really likes but had fun nonetheless.

Even the little man went on this one. He looks nervous in the picture but is STILL talking about how much fun it was!

It was a great weekend, the weather couldn't have been better and, I frequently hear "I miss the fair" over Monday morning's breakfast :)

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